The 2014 Annual General meeting for Regent Brass and Regent Community band was held on Monday 2nd of February following brief recital of both RCB playing their Area test piece, Philip Sparke’s Evolution, Five States of Change followed by Regent Brass playing Peer Graham’s The Torchbearer.
The meeting commenced with the usual reports from outgoing officers.
Chairman Michael O’Shaunghnessy said…

2014 was a very exciting year for the bands. The appointment of a new MD for both bands to start the year in Paul Archibald & John Holland was very popular with all the players, and then when John had to pull out in the middle of the year we were very fortunate to be able to appoint Chris Bearman to RCB, and the good work has continued.

Working with 9 different conductors during the year for RB was initially quite a challenge, but by the end of the year we have started to see the benefits of this diverse approach to music making.

A lot of work has gone into changing the organisational structure to make it more flexible and pass more ownership back to the members of the band.

The first round of brass playing workshops was a success and this will continue into the future to provide an opportunity for the players of both bands to gain access to top quality brass tuition outside the confines of rehearsing specific pieces of music for a competition.

The year finished with a magnificent joint concert with the North Hertfordshire Guild of Singers at the historic St Marys Church in Hitchin, which was an excellent way to finish the year.

2015 will see the band looking to increase the quantity and quality of concerts it performs at, and also hopefully an upturn in our fortunes on the contest stage.

The chairman’s award for Bandsperson of the year was awarded to Sarah Findon.

Paul Archibald next took to the floor to give his MD’s report.

My first AGM at Regent afforded me the opportunity of reflecting on the my first year as Musical Director of Regent Brass. The passion and commitment shown by the members is a real indicator of great things ahead for the organisation. The support the band and it’s management have shown me in developing new ideas, both musical and strategic, has been very motivating.  With some fine performances throughout the year behind us I look forward to another exciting year ahead.

Paul awarded Repiano Cornet Player Gillian Park player of the year for her marvellous performances both on Contest and Concert stage during the ear.

Chris Bearman then gave a quick review of his few months at the helm of Regent Community Brass.

Over 2014, Regent Community Brass has had been building up throughout the year, always showing their best on stage and this is supported by a great spirit and atmosphere within the band. We continue to grow in members, standard of playing and level of concerts so am looking forward to an exciting year ahead.

Chris awarded Solo Horn player Bryan Long Regent Community Band player of the year for his performances in the past year.

Officers and members of the committee from both bands were elected to serve the band in the coming year, followed by a well earned trip to the local where no doubt the real business was discussed.