The band held its Annual General Meeting on 24th January, where the members elected their committee representatives for the coming year. As part of the meeting, the band also held the “Presentation of Awards” for 2012, for “Bandsman of the Year” and “Player of the Year”.

The “Bandsman of the Year” is awarded to the person who the membership feel has made an outstanding contribution to the band over the previous year. For 2012, the winner of this award was Sarah Findon, the band’s repiano cornet player, who has not only worked tirelessly as Librarian of Regent Brass, but has also been instrumental in the setting up and organisation of Regent Community Brass since last June.

The “Player of the Year” award is given to the player who the MD, Alan Duguid, feels has made a particularly outstanding to the band’s performances in concerts and contests over the previous year. For 2012, this was awarded to the band’s star Flugel Horn player, Vickie Curran. Vickie has been with the band since the beginning of last year and has set a consistently high standard which has really enhanced the band’s performances.

The band would like to congratulate both Sarah and Vickie on winning both of these very well-deserved awards!